I could say this is a fruitful year in my birthday. I could get many wishes and hearts that really care for me.
Though it migh be just simple message, but it is worth and lighten my world. Just amazing feeling!
I'm kinda of satisfy with what I been through in my birthday. I have really known who are the person whom is my BFF. My close mate. And most of all, they are precious to me. I just couldn't lose them.
Thanks to church members: Christine, Thomas, Douglas, Chee Wai, Andrew, Elaine, Josiah, Suit Wan, and Melissa that had the same birthday with me.
BFF: Nicholas, May Ping, Wendy, Kit Yeng, Alwyn, Jesny
Family members: Mum, Alister, Sheryn, Nicholas
D4 student: James, Sarah, Sim Yee, Pui Yie, Eric, Alvin
St. Gabriel: Victor, Kenneth, WL, Tat, Calvin
Alstomer: James, Nicholas
Tq for all to make my day happy
This is all about me... The lonely me... The abandon life of mine... The sadness n joy in my life...
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Covenant Marriage
God’s Intent for Marriage
A covenant marriage is intended by God to be a lifelong relationship exemplifying unconditional love, reconciliation, sexual purity, and growth. A covenant is an eternal commitment with God. People can negotiate out of contracts, but not out of a covenant. The heart of covenant marriage is “the steadfast love of the Lord,” which comes from the very heart of God and “never ceases” (Lam. 3:22, RSV).God intends for marriage to be a lifelong covenant relationship between a man and a woman. When a couple shares their wedding vows, they are vowing to God, each other, their families, and their community to remain steadfast in unconditional love, reconciliation, and sexual purity, while purposefully growing in their covenant marriage relationship. It is God desires to bring wholeness to families through covenant marriage relationships.
Genesis 1:27 says that, “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. And God blessed them and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over … every living thing that moves on the earth.’ ” When God “blessed them” in essence He initiated an action and then empowered the man and woman to complete the action. In other words God gave them the gift of a covenant relationship and then equipped them to be successful.
In Gen. 2:18,22-25 God acknowledged that, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.’ … And the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib, which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. And the man said, ‘This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’ For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.” In the context of a covenant relationship that God provided the ultimate experience in “oneness” through sexual intimacy.
Proverbs 18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” How do you perceive your marriage? Men, do you believe God brought your wife to you? Do you consider her a gift from God? Have you considered that when God brought her to you He was expressing His love to you? God was saying, “It is not good that you should be alone so I have made a helper for you as an expression of my love for you and you are to love her as I have loved my bride, the church. You shall readily lay down your life for her, loving her as you love yourself.”
When the term “covenant” is used in the Bible it is evident that God is the one who initiates the covenant. God established His covenant with the patriarchs of our faith. God said to Noah, “Behold I myself do establish My covenant with you and with your descendents after you” (Gen. 9:9). God said to Abraham, “I will establish My covenant between Me and you, and I will multiply you exceedingly … God said, ‘As for Me, behold My covenant is with you and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations’ ”
God is always the giver of the covenant. We are the recipients of the covenant. We choose to accept it and remain obedient to the covenant God has established. The foundation for such a covenant is unconditional love for that is who God is. Our covenant relationship with our spouse should reflect, and in actuality can only be made possible through, God’s gift of unconditional love.
Elements of a Covenant Relationship
Covenants are the fruit of a loving, faithful relationship.
The vows we exchange at our wedding reflect a relationship already bound by steadfast love
and faithfulness. The degree in which these words have meaning comes in direct proportion
to the unconditional love that dwells within our heart for the one to whom we are
repeating them.Covenant partners take responsibility for their actions. As partners in a covenant marriage relationship, we are responsible for our actions. An example would be to remain “sexually pure” in our thoughts and actions towards our spouse.
Covenants are based on freedom of choice. Covenant marriages are not built on coercion, deceit, and manipulation. Wives, submission is freely given and grows from respect, not fear and manipulation. In like manner, husband, choose daily to love your wife “as Christ loved the church.” You must freely choose to love and honor her in spite of the fact that you may not “feel” like loving and honoring her.
Covenants are rooted in actions based on choices, not feelings. Our feelings are forever fluctuating. Therefore to build a covenant marriage on feelings is to build it on shifting sand, which cannot support the foundation of marriage.
Covenant partners nurture their relation-ship. Our marriage will grow as we build up one another in love. This takes place when we value our spouse more than ourselves. As we experience the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, we are able to love our spouse as He loves us. Covenant partners administer unconditional love, forgiveness, and reconciliation while providing comfort and hope to their partner.
Covenants are based on commitments freely offered A covenant is built on selfless love, freely given and freely received. As strange as it may sound, a covenant marriage is one in which the “tie that binds” the couple together is a commitment freely offered with no strings attached. Paul said it well: “Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8).
bible words,
God's word,
Monday, November 12, 2012
Blood Donations (Part2)
Eventually I failed to donate again this year. I'm only 44kg. Aiya!! 1 more to go! Haha..
Mayb next year! But I really do enjoy the process of getting heavier.
Hopefully, I can help out next year! ^.^
Wait for me Blood Bank!
Mayb next year! But I really do enjoy the process of getting heavier.
Hopefully, I can help out next year! ^.^
Wait for me Blood Bank!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Dato' Lee Chong Wei and Wong Mew Choo
I remembered once, there is a time when I'm being told about Dato' Lee Chong Wei. His origin.
In these 2 days, many people were talking about his great love to his wife Wong Mew Choo.
Malaysian celebrate their joys love life ceremony together in the Convention Kuala Lumpur for 2 days. Seeing their great love pouring, although there are times of difficulties and sadness, they go on strife for what they believe in. This is the thing that made me proud of them. Is honor to see Dato' house was filled with guests, celebrities and family members.
Reminds me of TRUE LOVE DOES EXIST. That is to trust and continuously pouring love to one another.
Is not easy to be a wife of a winner, and is not easy to be a man of the house whole. Wishing them the very best of LOVE.
I love these picture of them. It really shows LOVE.
In these 2 days, many people were talking about his great love to his wife Wong Mew Choo.
Malaysian celebrate their joys love life ceremony together in the Convention Kuala Lumpur for 2 days. Seeing their great love pouring, although there are times of difficulties and sadness, they go on strife for what they believe in. This is the thing that made me proud of them. Is honor to see Dato' house was filled with guests, celebrities and family members.
Reminds me of TRUE LOVE DOES EXIST. That is to trust and continuously pouring love to one another.
Is not easy to be a wife of a winner, and is not easy to be a man of the house whole. Wishing them the very best of LOVE.
I love these picture of them. It really shows LOVE.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Blood Donation campaign
Actually, from young till now I really want to participate in donating blood to other people in need. As the day I knew I'm O type of blood, my enthusiastic of it was more!
But comes to I'm 18 years old, the age of certified to be a donor, I'm a bit sad due to my weight is not the standard weight of 45kg. Hoping to try on the age 19. Again, same results. Then, 20, 21, 22, 23. Till I'm 23, my weight increased. But not as much as it is. Just till 40kg. But still, I'm happy about it. At least I know, there will be a day, I can sit there and help those who needs my blood.
Well, same thing. Wait on, till I'm 26, this age of mine, surprisingly, my weight was 47kg! Yes and perfect for me. But timing was a problem. Because I choose to work on this Sat n Sun work because of my resignation at aunt Christine place. So definately I'm going to try this year! I have not weight my heaviness. But hopefully, I'm okay for it this year.
At least I knew I got slim up not because of whose house rice or anyone who took the effort. But the work that I'm committed to. Hehe.. Is good to slim up!
Hopefully and pray fully that a lot of people will come to this blood drives. I have shared this poster to everyone on fb. It sounds annoying to all, but is really a joy when someone responded to the campaign. Happy for sharing and joy for helping.
God bless those who willing to donate.
But comes to I'm 18 years old, the age of certified to be a donor, I'm a bit sad due to my weight is not the standard weight of 45kg. Hoping to try on the age 19. Again, same results. Then, 20, 21, 22, 23. Till I'm 23, my weight increased. But not as much as it is. Just till 40kg. But still, I'm happy about it. At least I know, there will be a day, I can sit there and help those who needs my blood.
Well, same thing. Wait on, till I'm 26, this age of mine, surprisingly, my weight was 47kg! Yes and perfect for me. But timing was a problem. Because I choose to work on this Sat n Sun work because of my resignation at aunt Christine place. So definately I'm going to try this year! I have not weight my heaviness. But hopefully, I'm okay for it this year.
At least I knew I got slim up not because of whose house rice or anyone who took the effort. But the work that I'm committed to. Hehe.. Is good to slim up!
Hopefully and pray fully that a lot of people will come to this blood drives. I have shared this poster to everyone on fb. It sounds annoying to all, but is really a joy when someone responded to the campaign. Happy for sharing and joy for helping.
God bless those who willing to donate.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together"
I remember when we broke up the first time
Saying, "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like
We hadn't seen each other in a month
When you said you needed space. (What?)
Then you come around again and say
"Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me."
Remember how that lasted for a day?
I say, "I hate you," we break up, you call me, "I love you."
Oooh we called it off again last night
But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Like, ever...
I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
And me, falling for it screaming that I'm right
And you, would hide away and find your peace of mind
With some indie record that's much cooler than mine
Oooh, you called me up again tonight
But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Oooh yeah, oooh yeah, oooh yeah
Oh oh oh
I used to think that we were forever ever
And I used to say, "Never say never..."
Ugh, so he calls me up and he's like, "I still love you,"
And I'm like... "I just... I mean this is exhausting, you know, like,
We are never getting back together. Like, ever"
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
We, ohhh, getting back together,ohhh,
We, ohhh, getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
I remember when we broke up the first time
Saying, "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like
We hadn't seen each other in a month
When you said you needed space. (What?)
Then you come around again and say
"Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me."
Remember how that lasted for a day?
I say, "I hate you," we break up, you call me, "I love you."
Oooh we called it off again last night
But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Like, ever...
I'm really gonna miss you picking fights
And me, falling for it screaming that I'm right
And you, would hide away and find your peace of mind
With some indie record that's much cooler than mine
Oooh, you called me up again tonight
But oooh, this time I'm telling you, I'm telling you
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Oooh yeah, oooh yeah, oooh yeah
Oh oh oh
I used to think that we were forever ever
And I used to say, "Never say never..."
Ugh, so he calls me up and he's like, "I still love you,"
And I'm like... "I just... I mean this is exhausting, you know, like,
We are never getting back together. Like, ever"
We are never ever ever getting back together
We are never ever ever getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
We, ohhh, getting back together,ohhh,
We, ohhh, getting back together
You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me (talk to me)
But we are never ever ever ever getting back together
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Thursday, October 25, 2012
For this week, I been reading up lots of article from Our Daily Journal mentioning about child, abortions, Robin-woman, and few more.
I'm thinking what God want me to think of.
Yeap, I had an experience with it. It was a tough one. Going through the pain yet is not a choice. Suffering lasted me for 7 years.
One thing for sure, he is in heaven with God. Forgive me O Lord, once again I ask. Due to my stupidity, naive ness, and stubbornness as I'm not proud to have him. Thank you for reminding me about him. The lovely one, the Cheerful one, the Adorable one.
I'm thinking what God want me to think of.
Yeap, I had an experience with it. It was a tough one. Going through the pain yet is not a choice. Suffering lasted me for 7 years.
One thing for sure, he is in heaven with God. Forgive me O Lord, once again I ask. Due to my stupidity, naive ness, and stubbornness as I'm not proud to have him. Thank you for reminding me about him. The lovely one, the Cheerful one, the Adorable one.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
i don't know why, but I just hope to scream..!!
Scream out with my lungs!
I want to go holiday so much!
The miss the Diving under the sea!
I miss the bliss of the beach!
Apart of that, I just want to scream out with my voice, full throttle out with the air in my lungs!!
I feel so "san fu".
Don't know why...
Scream out with my lungs!
I want to go holiday so much!
The miss the Diving under the sea!
I miss the bliss of the beach!
Apart of that, I just want to scream out with my voice, full throttle out with the air in my lungs!!
I feel so "san fu".
Don't know why...
Monday, October 22, 2012
Dreams are successive images, ideas,
emotions and sensations that occur in our mind during sleep. Dreams were
thought to be messages from the god to that person. Mostly dreams tends
to occur in the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, it is that
stage of sleep which our mind or brain has high level of activity just
like when we are awake. Time period of a dream can last from a few
seconds to twenty minutes. Our team worked very hard work to present
you this list of “25 Weird Facts About Dreams”
- Snoring and dreaming cannot occur at the same time, You can experience only one out these two.
- The average person dreams about 4 times during night, which makes it around 1,460 dreams per year.
- Most of us are unaware of the fact that we become temporarily paralyzed in a dreaming state.
- The longest dreams occurs in the morning which is approximately 30-45 minutes long. An average person dreams every 90 minutes
- “Oneirology” is the scientific study of dreams.
- Every human being dreams except for those who are suffering from serious mental disorders. You cannot say that you don’t dream, You just forgets almost 90% of the dreams within 10 minutes of awakening
- People who are born blind cannot see any images in their dreams, they only have a dream of sense of sound, smell, touch and emotion. But those who are not born blind can see dreams like a normal human being.
- Have you noticed that we see only familiar faces in our dreams. You will not see a single person in the dream who is unfamiliar.
- Men and women dream differently. about 70% characters in men dreams will be men, but this not the case with women dreams as their dreams contains almost same number of men and women.
- While dreaming you cannot only have sex with your partner but you can also experience a strong orgasm like you have in your real life.
- You can Control your dreams by controlling your body’s vital energy, by doing Buddhist exercise of yoga.
- Your dream indicates different things like sadness or unresolved grief if you find yourself in a cementary.
- If you see chocolates in your dreams, it may symbolize that the dreamer feels the need to be rewarded and deserves special treatment.
- You can experience more vivid dreams if you are shown Vitamin B complex (B6) and St. John’s Wort.
- Dreams existed since ancient times, one of them is Flying dream. These dreams existed even before the invention of the Aeroplanes.
- Psychologists strongly believed that daydreaming and dreams during sleep may be related to each other with different cognitive processes.
- The archangel Gabriel is considered the archangel of childbirth, emotions, and dreams.
- Our dreams carry deep meanings that only the subconscious mind can understand. Dreams speak in indirect language.
- It is very difficult to remember our complete dream. When we wake up we fail to remember even a single sequence of the dream we had during the night.
- Not all people dream in colour, some people only dream in black and white. almost 70% of people dream in colors and the rest may not be able to dream in colors.
- Chronic smokers who suddenly quit report more vivid dreams than they had when they smoked
- Scientific studies have revealed that animals and especially mammals dream like human beings.
- According to some weird studies, it is revealed that an adult have less nightmares that children do.
- Some poets and many great scientists have discovered different things during their sleep, they wrote about their dream as soon as they woke up. Some of them are Newton, Graham Bell who were inspired by their dreams.
- Feet in dreams can symbolize everything from sex to humiliation. They can also represent mobility, freedom, or a foundation.

Saturday, October 13, 2012
YWA meeting
The date 12/10/12 is indeed a good day and date.
There is Ywa session, mostly everyone are around. Good gathering, good fellowship.
But I still felt something missing.
Don't know what it is..
Topic today was Listen to God. Anything bad or good, just listen first. It won't make us lose everything or anything. The most important, the heart to Listen and not Hear.
Well, had a good fellowship time in a cafe. :D I do enjoy my night, and really praise God for the joy and desire to continue to serve Him.
There is Ywa session, mostly everyone are around. Good gathering, good fellowship.
But I still felt something missing.
Don't know what it is..
Topic today was Listen to God. Anything bad or good, just listen first. It won't make us lose everything or anything. The most important, the heart to Listen and not Hear.
Well, had a good fellowship time in a cafe. :D I do enjoy my night, and really praise God for the joy and desire to continue to serve Him.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Very angry!!!
I had a very mad night. I hardly to control myself to speak all the foul language.
It started with my journey home.
As usual, when reaching Chan Sow Lin station, I called up mum to notify her that I reached. Hoping she could come and pick me up earlier. But case are different today. Normal time when I called her at 7pm, she might as usual come at 7.30pm. The time is still alright that I just have to wait for 15 mins. But today, I have to wait for an hour for her. From bright day to dark sky, I been waiting for her.
My happy face goes to a grumpy face! As I was reading some manga, even though I'm quite aware of surrounding I'm also kinda worried of stealing, robbing or whatsoever that could happen to me even if I'm at the Maluri bus stop with less people.
Days really getting dark. More busses and cars pass by. I waited till 8.15pm, mum only arrived! My grumpy face turns to a angry face. I couldn't bear with her attitude that she didn't told me that she'll be late.
Slamming the door, sit without seatbelt, not even a Harlow, and not even talked to her. Then she started to blame the buses because they makes traffic jams all the way.
Please la! I'm not kid anymore! If she comes at usual time, there won't be buses who causes the jam!
My angriness adding more and more. Become maddy. I'm thinking, I worked for 12 hours! And I have to wait for her! Comparing my tiredness, my pale look, and my sleepy eyes!
Then she asked me to go pack food somemore! Dah La, marah! Nak bungkus nasi juga! Suruh saya pergi sementara dia menunggu dalam kereta?? Adui! Mulut pandai suruh saya tapi sendiri tak nak pergi!
Slam the door again from me! Asking u eat what u say anything! Then don't come to a restaurant which got variety of food la! Really F! Slamming again from me when got up the car.
All the way, I have been quiet. Oncpre, slamming again when I reach home and got down. Who cares! She don't dare to talk to me again.
And I just bath and got into my own room and read some comic to release my own tension!
But still can't! Ish!!!! Really mad of waiting without informing!!
It started with my journey home.
As usual, when reaching Chan Sow Lin station, I called up mum to notify her that I reached. Hoping she could come and pick me up earlier. But case are different today. Normal time when I called her at 7pm, she might as usual come at 7.30pm. The time is still alright that I just have to wait for 15 mins. But today, I have to wait for an hour for her. From bright day to dark sky, I been waiting for her.
My happy face goes to a grumpy face! As I was reading some manga, even though I'm quite aware of surrounding I'm also kinda worried of stealing, robbing or whatsoever that could happen to me even if I'm at the Maluri bus stop with less people.
Days really getting dark. More busses and cars pass by. I waited till 8.15pm, mum only arrived! My grumpy face turns to a angry face. I couldn't bear with her attitude that she didn't told me that she'll be late.
Slamming the door, sit without seatbelt, not even a Harlow, and not even talked to her. Then she started to blame the buses because they makes traffic jams all the way.
Please la! I'm not kid anymore! If she comes at usual time, there won't be buses who causes the jam!
My angriness adding more and more. Become maddy. I'm thinking, I worked for 12 hours! And I have to wait for her! Comparing my tiredness, my pale look, and my sleepy eyes!
Then she asked me to go pack food somemore! Dah La, marah! Nak bungkus nasi juga! Suruh saya pergi sementara dia menunggu dalam kereta?? Adui! Mulut pandai suruh saya tapi sendiri tak nak pergi!
Slam the door again from me! Asking u eat what u say anything! Then don't come to a restaurant which got variety of food la! Really F! Slamming again from me when got up the car.
All the way, I have been quiet. Oncpre, slamming again when I reach home and got down. Who cares! She don't dare to talk to me again.
And I just bath and got into my own room and read some comic to release my own tension!
But still can't! Ish!!!! Really mad of waiting without informing!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
PICTO by Rosendahl
Loving these watch. It only cost Rm 505.. Let me wait next year!
Option 1
Option 2a
Option 2b
Look at these mooncakes reminds me of you. Ish...
Do u like to have some? I can give away 2 boxes to you.. :p
Do u like to have some? I can give away 2 boxes to you.. :p
Like Jesus
This is what I meant:
As we live in God, our love grows more perfect. . . . We can face Him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world (1 John 4:17).
READ: Colossians 3:12-14
12 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 hbearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
Last month I was a character reference for a friend who was applying to work for a missions agency. All I had to do was give my honest feedback based on certain key performance indicators (KPIs). As I ‘evaluated’ my friend, I wondered how my peers would rate me, not in my professional capacity, but as a believer in Jesus. I wondered how I would fare in these KPIs of holiness: tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, forgiveness, love (Colossians 3:12-14).
Tenderhearted mercy is compassion that enters the pain of another with empathy. Kindness is treating others with respect and dignity, giving value and honour to another. Humility, the rarest and also the chief Christian virtue because it is the opposite of pride (the worst of sins), is not doing anything that is self-seeking, self-serving or self-elevating. Gentleness, the outward expression of meekness (not weakness, but strength under control), is the capacity to put aside your rights for another person’s sake and the willingness to suffer injury instead of inflicting it. Patience is longsuffering self-restraint, not exploding in anger or temper (v.12).
Being forbearing and forgiving is the ability to endure long without retaliation, by praying, Father, don’t hold this against him/her (v.13). And love is the overcoat that envelops and unifies all these virtues (v.14). When love dominates, there’s beauty, harmony and maturity (1 Corinthians 13).
These KPIs paint for us a picture of who Jesus is. That’s why we are to “clothe [ourselves] with the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14 NIV; also see Galatians 3:27). To be holy is to be Christlike—“to live like Jesus here in this world” (1 John 4:17), until we become like Christ! (Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15:49). —K.T. Sim
As we live in God, our love grows more perfect. . . . We can face Him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world (1 John 4:17).
READ: Colossians 3:12-14
12 Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 hbearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
Last month I was a character reference for a friend who was applying to work for a missions agency. All I had to do was give my honest feedback based on certain key performance indicators (KPIs). As I ‘evaluated’ my friend, I wondered how my peers would rate me, not in my professional capacity, but as a believer in Jesus. I wondered how I would fare in these KPIs of holiness: tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forbearance, forgiveness, love (Colossians 3:12-14).
Tenderhearted mercy is compassion that enters the pain of another with empathy. Kindness is treating others with respect and dignity, giving value and honour to another. Humility, the rarest and also the chief Christian virtue because it is the opposite of pride (the worst of sins), is not doing anything that is self-seeking, self-serving or self-elevating. Gentleness, the outward expression of meekness (not weakness, but strength under control), is the capacity to put aside your rights for another person’s sake and the willingness to suffer injury instead of inflicting it. Patience is longsuffering self-restraint, not exploding in anger or temper (v.12).
Being forbearing and forgiving is the ability to endure long without retaliation, by praying, Father, don’t hold this against him/her (v.13). And love is the overcoat that envelops and unifies all these virtues (v.14). When love dominates, there’s beauty, harmony and maturity (1 Corinthians 13).
These KPIs paint for us a picture of who Jesus is. That’s why we are to “clothe [ourselves] with the Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 13:14 NIV; also see Galatians 3:27). To be holy is to be Christlike—“to live like Jesus here in this world” (1 John 4:17), until we become like Christ! (Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15:49). —K.T. Sim
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Past again
Why each time I encounter you were a different mood?
Must I be the one who always cares for you only?
Why must be every problem you encounter, you just put it on me?
Sharing is good, but why must be digging back old stories and talk? How can I change past?
Past was past, it can't be change.
I have been done good. What else? Just because I did mistake doesn't mean I will repeat.
Same goes as you.
I didn't repeat and I didn't search for problem.
All these while is just you who never trusted a friend. Someone like me? That is why you don't have companion.
*My past is my experiences. Nothing to relate much with my current friend. I did what I should. Is just you who never trust and believe that I do love you before.
For now, I don't even dare to love. I could not open myself yet. Plus I don't have the opportunity to be loved or to love.
From beginning, till the day I broke up with u (3 years), I been loyal and faithful. During those time where we break off, in the middle are acception. There are so many things you could brought up to say is because u never really think of me, that I told you before during our break up. You tend to "having in relationship with me" all these while even until now. I hope you could make it clear.
That is why is so unfair to me. That I could not have a chance to meet guys or to get interaction back with my friends. I feel struggling with you. I feel forceful and I don't feel happiness.
I was guessing, in the relationship, aren't you suppose to make a girl happy? (when you pursue her?) why is it becoming like I have to do things to make you happy, which is the other way?
U seems like a girl. Having criteria of a girl. The books that I read, all are saying opposite? Or is just you who are different? Or i'm the character of a guy? If I am, I won't love you. Because you are being so negative which doesn't give any support or encouragement to the relationship. It will only fail the relationship even as friends right now.
Well, sad to say, no need to bring up past.
Just some thoughts.
Must I be the one who always cares for you only?
Why must be every problem you encounter, you just put it on me?
Sharing is good, but why must be digging back old stories and talk? How can I change past?
Past was past, it can't be change.
I have been done good. What else? Just because I did mistake doesn't mean I will repeat.
Same goes as you.
I didn't repeat and I didn't search for problem.
All these while is just you who never trusted a friend. Someone like me? That is why you don't have companion.
*My past is my experiences. Nothing to relate much with my current friend. I did what I should. Is just you who never trust and believe that I do love you before.
For now, I don't even dare to love. I could not open myself yet. Plus I don't have the opportunity to be loved or to love.
From beginning, till the day I broke up with u (3 years), I been loyal and faithful. During those time where we break off, in the middle are acception. There are so many things you could brought up to say is because u never really think of me, that I told you before during our break up. You tend to "having in relationship with me" all these while even until now. I hope you could make it clear.
That is why is so unfair to me. That I could not have a chance to meet guys or to get interaction back with my friends. I feel struggling with you. I feel forceful and I don't feel happiness.
I was guessing, in the relationship, aren't you suppose to make a girl happy? (when you pursue her?) why is it becoming like I have to do things to make you happy, which is the other way?
U seems like a girl. Having criteria of a girl. The books that I read, all are saying opposite? Or is just you who are different? Or i'm the character of a guy? If I am, I won't love you. Because you are being so negative which doesn't give any support or encouragement to the relationship. It will only fail the relationship even as friends right now.
Well, sad to say, no need to bring up past.
Just some thoughts.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Hatyai Trip
It was Friday 14th September 2012 night, where I started my first trip out of Malaysia using my passport at the age of 27.
I was quite mad at the beginning before the trip began. It started because of mum was late to reach Hang Tuah, Melati Flat because of jam after work. She also thought that I have already bath with my extra packed clothes in my working bag. But indeed I'm not. I told her, I will do everything only if she could send my bag to the place. Everyone was quite hurried to get down to wait at the bus stop as the promised time were 7.45pm. And mum were late and reached at 8pm. Ish!!! She make me rushed to take my bath. Ended up, I took a so called "buffalo bath" due to rushing down to the bus stop to wait for the bus to arrive. At the end, we are still early as the bus reached around 8.30pm. Thinking of nothing to do while waiting, I start to charge my iPod and then iPhone. Hearing and listening to music keeps me cool off of what has happened. During that time, I'm already quite tired and exhausted. Plan to sleep right after on bus. After 15-30 mins of waiting, the bus arrived. It was a school air cond bus. Anyway, is still good but not really quite comfort because of the seat place and walking isle was a bit small. After on bus, the bus took journey off to up North. My sis and I did some silly things in da bus that is, taking picture using Road Light.
Silly us |
The first heading was Ipoh, near Jusco for supper. We reach there about 1.15am. They had a stop around 45 minutes. Everyone filled their stomach for supper because they sure it will be a hungry morning. The stop is good because is a refresh for me to filled my stomach again while I just had porridge for dinner. Family choose to have mamak food instead of mega food court due to the time strains makes the food taste bad in food court. After that, we went up to the bus to start our journey from Ipoh around 2.45am. The sleep continues... Zzzz... We are now reached Juru toll at 4 am. Had a short toilet break. Kinda miss this Juru place. The place of entertainment such as clubs, cafes, exhibitions, factories, foods and etc. Is the most happening place before reached Island. And Zzzz again. Further up more, when I woke up, about 2 hours later, I saw paddy field on the left. Yes, is the way to Kedah. Saw nice scenery beside the highway, all the way up to toll although is dark. Another 2 more hours, which around 6am, we reached Bukit Kayu Hitam immigration centre to get our temporary visa. Family have a light breakfast, while I resting before the dawn.
Aunt and mum enjoying coffee |
The journey continues again around 8.30am to Malaysia Immigration Centre to get a chop, next to Thailand Immigration which is just nearby around 5 mins travel time.
ma chop.. |
After getting the chop out and in to Thailand, first place we head to was the temple at 10am. The temple was located in rubber plantation area. Had taken some pictures of the temple. Alot of statues, don't know how to explain why so many gods around. Anyway, I just know and knew that my God is Almighty God. He is only 1. Although 3 in 1. He is still 1. :D
After went to the temple, we only have chance to go for our breakfast. Everyone were complaining saying that they were hungry and talk about Thailand chicken is different from Malaysia chicken. It was an unexpected breakfast because when we were there, it only left 1 and half chicken to serve 44 person in the bus. According to the news we got, we are the last bus to arrived at the eating place.
Sigh... All Aunties rushed like pasar just to get their food. It was not my style and I just wait till the last one. And what I got last was leftover and some pork legs full of fats. It reminded me of Edmund that he loves so much of the fats. Yucks!!! Then we complained to the tour leader about what had happened. What we get to know that he have the share as part of the shop owner there. What to do? Just bear with it. We head to check up after that. The hotel it was Meridian hotel. According to mum, that was a cheap hotel and used as prostitution center. Well, everyone rushing again to get the room key. Only then I know, it was a not organized trip. U just can get any room as u like if u wanna change for it with the suitable amount of people.
Family plan to go central @ pasar to buy stuff. It is a market but they don't sell meat and vegetables. It's more like our Chinatown. I been to this place before when I was young. I remembered while I was on the stairs walking up to second floor. The childhood memory was there as I was crying because I got lost there because of my naughtiness, running around while dad and mum were shopping last time..
Shop there and I bought 2 pairs of shoes, a pants and a handbag. Worth while. Slightly cheaper than Malaysia. Then went back to Hotel by riding Tut-Tut. The tut tut only cost 20 baht per person.
After that, had some rest in hotel. I fall asleep just in a minutes. Haha... Mum did mention I was quick. She did even offer me coffee to drink from aunt. Yea, a good refresh drink after I woke up by mum. I also knew I'm quite tired in this trip, because of traveling in bus.
Then around 3, everyone gathered again the go for the water pasar. Went there by bus. The business was done in a river, and we are to buy at the main. Watching and seeing those culture is fun. Bought some food, junk and some water longan. I bought a dress again. Heading back to hotel again by bus. This time, I have to stand because adding some people who didn't join in earlier but came by themselves. Quite tired and hot.
The river market |
Then after that, is our leisure time again. Once again, family plan to go for walk and head to dinner. They know a place called MK for steamboat at Robinson Plaza. Clever them for a making nice choice. Good food and lasting for stomach.
Steamboat for dinner... |
Around 8pm, mum rushed us to take Tut-Tut back to hotel for our next show which is Aqua show. Lol. Actually I planned to watch Tiger show as well, due to not sufficient money after buying stuff for myself, I make a call off to that. The tour leader's son fetch us himself with car. Watching Aqua show with 3 lil girl. I'm the oldest among them.
4 crazy girls (underage) |
the first perfomance |
sweet and gentle |
flowery neon.. |
The show was really ridiculous. I couldn't stand watching some jokes and humor from it. But some of them are real sexy and really like a girl! I like one of them. After watching, meet up again with the tour leader's son to follow his car back. Had some chat with him. And I think is good if I could have them again to guide us if going to Hatyai again. And didn't get a chance to picture with the Aqua I like because of money again. Right after back to hotel, I was tired and having migraine through out the day, I thought to took a quick shower. Don't know is good or bad to me to have only cold shower. Couldn't find the switch for the hot bath. Shower with cold water to rest my heavy head and body. Real thank God after the shower, I'm much more better. But not that good to go for next session for massage. My massage plan failed. The girl suppose to come to room and do it, but my mum helped me to rejected her. And it makes a big frust to the tour leader tomorrow morning. The massager, complained to him. But I had a good sleep till the next morning but with my wet hair, which I leaned a side to let it dry. Till tomorrow, woke up around 7am+. Woke up, packed all stuff, getting ready and head back to KL. Before head back, i went to 7-11 to check out some stuff I could bring back to KL. I saw Smirnoff! They have few choices. Wanted to take and pack back, but I am being stopped by the staffs, saying I could only buy in between 11-2pm, then 5-11 pm. What the hell!!! I should have buy it yesterday before went back to hotel. But never mind, I made my choice to take coke bottle. Still worried of going through Customs check. But don't care of it. When in the bus while waiting for others, the local tour leader complained to us that he have to pay for our massage for rejecting them. He kept on mentioning of the room number to make me feel guilty, and is not only me alone who rejected the massage. Mum helped me most. She explained to him. Thanks to my mum. The leader bring us for breakfast. At least this time breakfast was good! Real good! Fill us again with good food. Not really delicious, but worth because is free. The whole table was loaded with BKT and dim sums. Yummy. They had smaller size of dim sums compared to KL. Is much smoother and nice. The BKT was about the same with KL. yea, good food. After the breakfast, the tour leader saying a goodbye to us. Yup, is time to head back to KL.
Went through Thailand immigration in Sadao this time. Not jam, smooth and fast. Got for chop, then next is Malaysia custom. Have to checked luggage. Safely bring the coke return without any straight checking.
Journey back to hometown after 2 days and 1 night stay at Hatyai. What a experienced to travel in rush.
Trip has not ended yet.
Before heading back to KL, the tour leader brought us to Penang, to a pharmacy. Same pharmacy that I went before few years ago when I had a teacher's retreat to Penang cruise. Is a pharmacy where they sold, Vitamin C, Goat's vitamins, Ginseng's pills and etc. Nah... I'm boring and I didn't have the interest to listen to such talks over and over again. I plucked my earphone in my ears and sitting outside of the conference room to wait for all to come out.
Is not only a bus of us are at this pharmacy. It was 15 buses that travel together to Hatyai that attended this Penang pharmacy.
After this, they brought us to Ipoh. The time to reach Ipoh is already around 6pm. Wow.. Whole day spent in travel back from Sadao to Penang.
Reached in Ipoh, the tour leader has provided dinner for us. Good meal! Many dishes of food are prepared for our hungry stomach. We don't need to pay a single cents because is included in our fare that paid for this trip which only cost RM140! :P
good meal! |
Then right after this meal, the leader brought us to across the road to buy Ipoh famous chicken that is Salted Chicken.
Lastly, this is our stop of our 2 days and 2 nights. Heading back to KL and reached around 9pm. Quite late and there goes my 2 days and 2 nights rushing trip.
Never again, I will attend such rushing and long hours travel by bus to certain place. ...
Friday, September 7, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Just keep it simple. Instead of going round n round for the things u want.
And cursing won't help. Why don't just do this:
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29 NIV)
It will also benefits you.
Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. (James 3:10 NIV)
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. (James 3:9, 10 NIV)
[it means we are cursing God as well]
And I will just do this:
bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:28 NIV)
And cursing won't help. Why don't just do this:
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29 NIV)
It will also benefits you.
Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. (James 3:10 NIV)
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. (James 3:9, 10 NIV)
[it means we are cursing God as well]
And I will just do this:
bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. (Luke 6:28 NIV)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Taylor swift album
This is what I get to know.
Taylor Swift album name are such same as what we are.
Before was "Fearless", then "Love Story". And now "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,"
So much so, is related to my life.
Taylor Swift album name are such same as what we are.
Before was "Fearless", then "Love Story". And now "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,"
So much so, is related to my life.
Monday, August 27, 2012
look alike
the more I watch Taiwan movie, the more familiar Vanness Wu face to me.. Haha...
Is definitely look alike. I can't watch it anymore. The story line is something like, he diagnose with a brain cancer. But got surgery and remove the cancer. But in that surgery he totally forgotten about his past of which he have his gf.
His gf was pregnant being that time and left him before he went for surgery. His gf travel for 6 years, and born a son.
Now she return back to him as he remembered back his past. His everything. But too bad, his sickness will come back anytime. When she returned, they got married. But there still some sore pain between them. As something painful happen.
The stories goes till make me hair wire. It gives me familiarity of what been happening. Ish...!!!
Is definitely look alike. I can't watch it anymore. The story line is something like, he diagnose with a brain cancer. But got surgery and remove the cancer. But in that surgery he totally forgotten about his past of which he have his gf.
His gf was pregnant being that time and left him before he went for surgery. His gf travel for 6 years, and born a son.
Now she return back to him as he remembered back his past. His everything. But too bad, his sickness will come back anytime. When she returned, they got married. But there still some sore pain between them. As something painful happen.
The stories goes till make me hair wire. It gives me familiarity of what been happening. Ish...!!!
This is the movie I said.
"Autumn Concertos Family".
He does look a like.
What can I say more??
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Now I realise, u never encourage me before. Even supporting me. From beginning till now. U make me realized also that you inherited your dad and mum attitude and ways of doing.
Like your dad, did not encourage you to do things when you voice up you wanna do something for your own. Unless, he trying to make a decisions for you, only he encouraged.
But a slightly different from your mum. Your mum comments the bad first, then she shall see, who is right and wrong. N u are special inherite 2 of these.
U kinda surprise me. I thought I could be happy, seeing the way u support at first. But few hours later or a day later, u change your way. U started to question. From beginning till the end.
Why won't u look at a better side, such as, I told u in directly from blog is more than enough? Why all questions n curses suddenly pops up, to make situation become opposite way?
I really have no idea, n I do feel sad about it.
Like your dad, did not encourage you to do things when you voice up you wanna do something for your own. Unless, he trying to make a decisions for you, only he encouraged.
But a slightly different from your mum. Your mum comments the bad first, then she shall see, who is right and wrong. N u are special inherite 2 of these.
U kinda surprise me. I thought I could be happy, seeing the way u support at first. But few hours later or a day later, u change your way. U started to question. From beginning till the end.
Why won't u look at a better side, such as, I told u in directly from blog is more than enough? Why all questions n curses suddenly pops up, to make situation become opposite way?
I really have no idea, n I do feel sad about it.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Do it
Is ntg to do with van Diesel. Haha..
The reason I post this is because I'm going for trip tomorrow to dive!
Yes!!! Finally in going diving again!
This trip was planned by May Ping as she wanted to take the course and asked me and I'm on to take my next level! Although taking bus, carry heavy clothes, taking ferry, but I do think is worth for, to try to travel without personal driver. It might be tired, but still worth!!
I did not break my promise or anything else. It was plan late, but at least is real.
Once again I'm diving without u.
How much it means to me now of diving. It means all my life. Because the peacefulness in the ocean I couldn't find on land. So I choose water, sea.
Hopefully, u understand why I'm eager to go.
I also don't wish to hear anything bad and negatives. Support me through in heart is what important most to me...
Is ntg to do with van Diesel. Haha..
The reason I post this is because I'm going for trip tomorrow to dive!
Yes!!! Finally in going diving again!
This trip was planned by May Ping as she wanted to take the course and asked me and I'm on to take my next level! Although taking bus, carry heavy clothes, taking ferry, but I do think is worth for, to try to travel without personal driver. It might be tired, but still worth!!
I did not break my promise or anything else. It was plan late, but at least is real.
Once again I'm diving without u.
How much it means to me now of diving. It means all my life. Because the peacefulness in the ocean I couldn't find on land. So I choose water, sea.
Hopefully, u understand why I'm eager to go.
I also don't wish to hear anything bad and negatives. Support me through in heart is what important most to me...
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Everyone has their dreams and aspirations. Everyone knows how to dream—and wants to dream.
As a child, Aaron Hotchner loved to dream. It took him somewhere else—somewhere where he belonged.
His family wasn’t exactly like what most people thought it was. They thought his family had: pushy parents, an extremely well behaved son and another son which never behaved. They were half right. He did have pushy parents and a misbehaving brother. However, they failed to see that he had parents with overly high expectations—overly strong desires for their sons to be perfect.
His parents had many dreams for him. It was almost like he was simply a picture with ready made photo frames to go into. There were many frames: golden ones, silver ones, ones made of diamond or rubies. His parents forced him into the many frames. For example, Cambridge–the frame with rubies, Harvard-The frame with golden plating. But by now, Hotch is a broken picture—in the frame with sharp corners and a rusted front.
His parents had been angry—very angry. They would scold him, point out his faults and tie him down with weights. They told him over and over again: “A boy is not allowed to dream.” They told him: “Aaron be a man.” So Hotch tried. Oh yes he did! He wiped the subtle grin off his face (perhaps that would make him look manlier). He no longer wandered off into another world when he slept. He stayed in the same world where reality was all that mattered.
When he grew slightly older, he hid behind the family shed and stared at the clouds. Oh no—he wasn’t dreaming. He was imagining. He could see the shapes. He could feel them changing in his head.
Now, he worked hard. There was no dreams. No “I hope” (in front of his parents) because that would mean that he was dreaming.
Hotch knew better than anyone else “A boy is not allowed to dream.”
Yet, still, he dreams.
Do you have a dream? Or has your dream been long shattered that you no longer dare to dream? Dreams play an important part in our lives. They motivate us to keep on moving forward. They uplift us with the hope that there will be a better tomorrow.
Remember the Bible character—Joseph the Dreamer? He dreamed a dream that his brothers and father did not believe. As a result, he was accused of being a liar. Yet, he carried on dreaming and believing.
Similarly, God has given each of us talents and gifts. Create a dream based on these God-given talents. Use them well. If you already have a dream and are raring to go, be patient and wait. Joseph’s received his dream at the age of seventeen, but he only got to live out his dream when he was approximately thirty-seven. He had a good twenty years of waiting and training. Hence, do not be discouraged when difficulties or barriers get in the way of you living out your dream. During Joseph’s twenty years of waiting, he was thrown into a pit, sold as a slave, became a prisoner, then worked in the palace as the decoder of Pharaoh’s dreams. These are necessary detours to prepare Joseph for what he was to become. On hindsight, Joseph said,
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good.
He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people”
(Genesis 50:20).
So, despite the many difficulties, keep your dreams alive and keep moving forward.
I dream. N my dreams are big and strong. But my dreams are simple.
That is, create a family, God as a leader in family. Everyone love one another. Peace always in family. Successful job. Live in a dream house. And most of all, stay healthy and strong everyday.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Love means all
1, 2, 3, Is always I.. (x4)
It's begin with Worship.
Gifting- in talent. Use it to serve.
Sacrife your love to love one another. If u said, u love the brother but bully or make fun of him, that is not love.
When use it to boasting, it is not love.
2. What's love is not
Dishonoring - comes with respect
Self seeking - always thinking about itself.
Easily angered
Calculative - keeps no records of wrong.
Delight in evil - laugh on people when people with problem, trouble n pain. Even in revengeful. If keeps on, it only lead to fight.
3. What is love? (4-7)
Patience, Kind, Protects (other person, not exposed), Trusts, Hopes, and Perseveres.
4. Love is forever (8-13)
Is Eternal - never fails. U won't forget what love has been given. We are not computer, we can't reboot. We remember how love is.
Greatest - is still the greatest .
Whoever loves much,
Does much.
What we do is from love.
Pastor Barnabas
It's begin with Worship.
Gifting- in talent. Use it to serve.
Sacrife your love to love one another. If u said, u love the brother but bully or make fun of him, that is not love.
When use it to boasting, it is not love.
2. What's love is not
Dishonoring - comes with respect
Self seeking - always thinking about itself.
Easily angered
Calculative - keeps no records of wrong.
Delight in evil - laugh on people when people with problem, trouble n pain. Even in revengeful. If keeps on, it only lead to fight.
3. What is love? (4-7)
Patience, Kind, Protects (other person, not exposed), Trusts, Hopes, and Perseveres.
4. Love is forever (8-13)
Is Eternal - never fails. U won't forget what love has been given. We are not computer, we can't reboot. We remember how love is.
Greatest - is still the greatest .
Whoever loves much,
Does much.
What we do is from love.
Pastor Barnabas
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13 NIV)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Greatest commandment
Common and most important point in LOVE! As God saids,
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV)
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV)
Monday, August 6, 2012
These are words I wanna say after u replying me when only I mentioned "I'm so silly to think back about past". I knew la....
We can't get back together, that is the fact. But is still memories ma.. Like how u have on me. Normal de..
I have move on, but I b like u too. I won't go out date with guys. But only meeting up and catch up is ntg wrong..
U did the same sometimes, only u don't realized.
Nah, no use to argue. Action is louder than words...
Smile and live each day happily ba..
We can't get back together, that is the fact. But is still memories ma.. Like how u have on me. Normal de..
I have move on, but I b like u too. I won't go out date with guys. But only meeting up and catch up is ntg wrong..
U did the same sometimes, only u don't realized.
Nah, no use to argue. Action is louder than words...
Smile and live each day happily ba..
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