Friday, April 18, 2008

Drugs delusion (Star two, 16 April 2008)

Erm.. came across this news on Wednesday. The young abuser. The story of a young man around age 17 started to addict with drugs which he deny that he don't take the drugs for seriously. The story is quite interesting for a century kids.

It also said, Take Nightly dosage: Some students take drugs to keep them awake all night to study during exam season. Is that true?

And here is the article and some tips mentioning in newspaper about "Signs To Look Out For"
University Sains Malaysia Department of Physicatry senior lecturer and psychiatrist Dr Muhammad Najib Mohamad Alwi says tat there is no sure way of telling if someone is doing drugs by just looking at them.

He says that the effect of the drug could have worn off before the parent sees the child, or the drug's effect may not be easy to observe. "But at the same time, even if there is a major change in their behaviour, it could be caused by something else such as illness or depression." he says.
Nevertheless, Dr Muhammad says that parents should look out for these signs, which may indicate their children have problems including substance abuse.

1) Silence, sulking or anger towards others
2) Mood swings
3) More than the usual lack of cooperation and rudeness
4) Wanting to spend very little time being with or talking with the family
5) Poor school performance, or truancy
6) Dropping out of regular activities, like sport
7) A change of friends - unexplained or sudden change to a new group of friends
8) Changes in physical appearance, eg" red eyes
9) Eating problems
10) Lack of energy - feeling tired all the time
11) Valuable items or money missing at home

Above all, i guess i have some same sign. Example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9,10.
What would you think if you are my really friends?
Do you think i'm addicted in drugs? or taking drugs? Lol... Funny. Judge yourself.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Colbie Caillat~ Realize

Take time to realize
That your warmth is
Crashing down on me
Take time to realize
That I am on your side
Well didn't I, didn't I tell you
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you

If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now

Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you
Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Oh ooo oh ooo oh
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you

If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, but

It's not the same
No it's never the same
If you don't feel it too
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way
It could be the same for you

If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other

Just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now

Is the song of my feelings...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool?

Things ended on april fool..

The day which is hard to believe, hard to gian trust, hard to predict.

I'm wondering am i the person who are in dilemma or only which i should have to blame beause of my own lack of communication.

Few guys that i met (exs) told me im lack of communication. It is really my problem of speaking things out? even though i really enjoy talking to them rather then hiding things behind them? Im really blur in knowing things im doing. I felt like im a loser, a failure, a girl who doesn't even know whats her own past mistakes. As a person grow, or a person go thru experiences, Old man sure will say, u will change of what u been going thru. But i don't.!! People still say im lack of communication. Am i the one to BLAME? Or it is my own fault for making such a things?

I have pray and pray that God would please make things better and brighter in the way he command me to go. But He doen't let me do it. What i get in my mind was only a empty promises or it just a dream of He promise me? I really wonder. I always pray that I want the last is this relationship and a relation can goes on last forever. But God still tends me to be celibacy in His own way. I also wonder, what i wrote here is what he spoke to me or just the way i am being negative to myself.

People will start to think things goes beyond control once is out of their expectation whether is positive or negative. N yes i admit i'm kind of person who are blur, slow, always in a moody mood, a person who happy only when things get my way. But before that, i'm happy being myself and of what i believe in. I potrait God as someone who is always on the brighter side. A person who could give me so much energy and strength when i'm down. But is really hard to be my ownself when i felt i don't please others in a relationship. I couldn't be happy when someone who are close to me upset. I also wanting to make things goes well and please both sides. Communication doesn't comes in only a way. If things happen not good, why not giving each other more chances to solve the problem? or knowing each other more thru this time? Or giving the opportunity to understand more of each other hearts....?

I'm so greatly in love and down when i heard the word. Same as the phrase, "Let him go.. If he is mine, he will come back to me.. If not, is meant to be.." (is just a phrase for me to ease my heart) I guess i should be strong again like past. Take things easily. Maybe be like him. Can take things up easily and put it down easily.

Just smile for the another day for the another day is not owning me anything and making me feel bad. Only people making me feel bad. Just rejoice in the Lord Father Almighty. :)

Should be stop crying and start to smile. And take it as a new experience.