Monday, May 9, 2011

Thinking. Pondering. Is all about heart feeling..

is now the month of May. And I’m kinda dilemma with things on my mind. As 2 years coming in 2 months time. I wonder how would I be, how would I act, how I contact him, all these has been running in my mind. Is unsolved. But the a year has passed since last year of this date 9/5/2010, I tried and requested him to be back with me. I guess, is also 2 years before, the same thing happen.


Is ok… I’m happy with what I have now just lack of some love. God said, be patience and wait. And the day will be arriving soon. How much changes he has been and how much he realized he was wrong in his past doing. I really wonder… Y God want me to proposed this 2 years of patience, would it because of LOVE? What happen if it is not going to happen to be a pleasant way? What am I gonna do. Smile and leave? Knowing and accepting new  guy?

I really ponder….