Sunday, February 20, 2011

2011 good year?

This is a good year for couple-ing? LOL.. Indeed, I am glad to see everyone found a new relationship.

Yeah… Church already got 3.

Friends, at least 4.

And myself? Being single still the best for the moment. I did not found someone who I cast upon, someone whom I could count on. Neither I am involved in any open relationship. My mind still remain the same as 2 years plus. Well well.. time really flies. Here I am this year 26. I guess is time for me to look for more financial income than being into relationship. Because I know that God will provide me in every single details like love, secure, companion ship and etc. He is my source of strength now that I could rely on.

Sounds so Holy? What do u expect? Just because U don’t know me personally with heart. Indeed, no one could replace God. He is always my FIRST priority since last 5 years.