Tuesday, December 29, 2009

3rd day in Outbac

Is been the 3rd day I am in Outbac, working.

Well, first day experience was tough. As I need to handle a group of people, doing "Belay". Aiks. Tough for the kecil miau like me. That i have to pull the string when they are up, in the "Rock Climbing" and "Leap of Faith". Minimum strength and size can't help much. But there is someone whom have experience to help me on and to tell me what to do. I guess I can do it much better next time. The most thing i enjoy to do here is flying fox. Not much energy using. Just climb up the high ladder then tie up people.  XD

2nd day is the long day activities for me. As i need to get up early in the morning at 5am. Not sleeping in the staff quarters but sleep in the office due to too many people was in Outbac. Sob sob.. Waking  up, same thing, getting ready for Broga Hill. No more problem as in getting up and going down. Maybe because of my new pair of shoes??? Hehe... Then come back rest for a while. Waiting for another group of people coming in at 9am. Wow... Activities non-stop till 5pm. Dr Yap was being introduced to the group. Charmaine was with the group together coming along. Majorities in the group are malays. But it doesn't matter because God news can be spread all around to everyone. :)

Having a great fun and theme building with them. Actually is a quite devastating for them, seeing them "less fortunate" in the company. But they have proven that, they are good and excellent worker. :) It hopes to teach them so method in how to handling and facing problems in the office.

ar well, 3rd day is the free day~~~ wouuuu~~~
been sleeping dunno for how many hours. Waking up early in the 7.30am.. Cycle to office, had a lil. breakfast outside the obstacle place. Then cycle again to the whole Outbac. See and check out things everywhere. Saw water lilies growing from the pond. It was beautiful and grown gracefully. And i checked out the lil.frog. Eventually all grown up to mini tadpole. Such an amazing things that only happen in 1 day. Everything can be changed fast. But why not human? Sigh....

Had a rest till next group coming in in 1pm... Another day to go through. Billy is going to handle them, because mostly of them are old people. So, have a clicke!!!! XD