Monday, April 29, 2013


By Debra Ayis, Nigeria

Tears fill my eyes
In this world of goodbyes
As I look down this rugged cliff.
Years have passed
When to this cliff I cleaved
As the water hits jagged rocks
My life seems to have reached its dock
This pen seems my only solace
In a life once filled with laces
The very finest in the province
A life I lived through providence
Here there is no second chance
It is all but a solitary dance.
I do not see an escape
Unless I be mercifully saved
I felt so much as to dive
Headlong down this cliff
Right where my existence would cease
Now I do find peace
Where I knew despair
My very own steps I retrace
As I rethink my decision
I instead choose a vision
To face life’s mountains
Conquering whatever life may bring
Not by my strength alone
But on Him who has overcome the world.

(Jesus said), “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33

This is from ODJ, and it always read my heart. Thank u Lord for knowing me so well.