Monday, January 24, 2011

Love of God

This is much like the mother of a newborn baby. She has already sacrificed much of her life and personal ambitions to the life of the child before it is ever born, but after the birth the sacrifice continues. Each time the baby cries, the mother is disturbed from much needed sleep. Hours are spent giving often, regular feedings. Messes are cleaned up. Clothes, diapers, sheets and so forth are in the washing machine continually. She hovers over the little baby and gives it a protected environment. Sometimes she is so tired she thinks she will collapse. She loves the baby with a love that she cannot describe in words. But do you know something? That newborn baby does not love her! That’s right….

That baby doesn’t love anybody really…. unless it would be itself. But she begins to work on the problem right away. She coddles, hugs, kisses, rocks, and coos over the baby. She gives it constant attention. And then one day, she is greatly rewarded when she hears it say, “Mommy, I love you.” My friends…. that little short sentence make all the tiring effort seem worthwhile.