Tuesday, September 21, 2010


y would a man still love me when he cursed me so deep and harsh…

how much he does know of love?

how much he really knows how to show his feeling?

how much he know what he wants and needs?

what is the goodness he say till so bad bout me?

to let the whole world know i’m worthless???

then ?? what he really get? I’m ain’t enemy….. nor hatred by people.


i really confused.

I been cursed or talking bad non-stop from his blog yet, he still wrote “missing u” in msn.

he want to return twice fold for what i did.. (which according to him, im a bitch, slut, or whore. xxx with people and etc..)

well… I dont really mind if he would do it. Cause i knew he won’t. Knowing him too well…

Just wonder… why would he said me such a way…. sigh….