Friday, June 11, 2010

Dive trip in Tioman

after trip to Lang Tengah, been to Tioman, after the following week.

In Tioman, kinda relax, though the sand is not as white as Lang Tengah but is worth. Kinda worry at first when knowing the sun is so hot. But comes about after the arrival day, the sun is not that hot anymore. Is was breezing everyday.

Anxious heart on first day. Met Rey. Watch video once arrived. Learn from chapter 1 –5 from it in just 3-4 hours video. Tiring, sleepy, but still need to concentrate. Then Rey said, come back at 3pm for first Confined Water Dives. Resting in room then head back at 3pm. Rey doesn’t feel well, Sham was the first person who teach me. He is  a good leader, and what he taught, is really into my mind. Maybe part of his smiles and relax way, makes me easier and comfortable in first time trying Open Scuba. Not that hard at first time.

But comes second day, early in the morning, Rey began with my book review. To see if I could answer most of the questions. I could. :) Then he said, come back in the afternoon at 4pm. First time Rey teach, I’m a bit anxious. Can see he is quite straight. But of course, I know how to relax and listen to his words every single time. Is just for my safety that he is straight. He bring me to 10m for first. Swim out to the sea, reach the 10m, start to go down under, I felt so much pressure on my ears this time. It was hard for me to go down. I tried for second time. And the third, he said, if I can’t do it, he will postponed to tomorrow. Which I disagree and scared… I tried as hard as I could. Force myself down. I felt pain, but later on, I get use of it. And I did go underwater practice more of the skills in chapter 3 and 4. Neutral Buoyancy, Cramp Removal, Free Flow Regulator Breathing, Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent, Air Depletion/Alternate Air Source Combined Exercise, Removing Weight Belt and BCD (Scary…), Buddy Breathing, Mask Clearing, and etc. The most make me feel uncomfortable is  Buddy Breathing cause have to share a regulator in 2 exhale breathe. It was hard. But other rest, I did without any trouble as I really folow instructions clearly. Learning hand signal was easy as Sham has taught me at first. After all this, Rey told me to come back at night to prepare for my test. Oh my… on my test, I’m just pass. 70marks. Haha.. which to his surprise, I could answer the correctly when he asked again referring to my wrong answers. But I count myself good :)

And last day which is the 3rd day, Rey said, if I could do this 3 dives in 1 day, there will be no problem anymore and I will pass. How great to think I can pass. But sad, I have to do 3 dives. 2 on boats and 1 more is going around and leisurely dives. Scared to wake up on the 3rd day. Because so many challenge on the next day… ARGH!!! What to do, still have to face it. Early in the morning, went out to Coral Island to dives. Felt so at first to sit on speed boat to go another Island. But after reach, wear the BCD, Rey ask me to do Sit Back And Roll Entry. I was like eh……. can i do it? He told me to follow him. Then start counting for 123, I still can’t go down. Scary I will get water in the nose and whatsoever comes… Then start counting 123 again, who knows I been pushed down by boat man. But luckily nothing happen. And quite surprise, I love the way it is. Fun…!! Then round around Coral Island following Rey to see sea creatures. And out of my expectation, I could see a turtle. But it was sleeping. Can’t enjoy and play with it. Under there, I was afraid also cause there is a place which no corals around, deep and even no fish.. It seems so scary like a dark room. But I should not be afraid because Rey and his friend is around.

Then all the dives, we head to Kg Salang for resting and be ready for my second boat dives. Eat burger as lunch, bought Rebena, and Orange Juice to avoid any cramp on my lips cause of too salty. After lunch, head to nearby Salang dives place, same thing, do Roll Entry, as I’m doing it myself now. More confidence, swim around again with Rey. There is a place where the current so strong that I’m not able to swim over, and Rey and friend have to return back to the boat directions. Hehe… I failed to swim over to another sides. This time I saw Sting-Ray. Wow… Although is a baby stingray, is worth. It swims fast. Really love the scene underwater.

The last dives comes after go to Marine Park enjoying big fish. :P

It happen at 5pm. still raining, but have to go on. Rey say I can’t escape this last dive. Is important. This time he bring me to more deeper as in 30m dives. Wow.. He said, I exceed the limit when going down cause he bring me to further which I didn’t notice how far it is.. Swim and swim, saw big fish, saw shark eggs, and nemo, dorry.!! :)  This last time, he want to practice Buoyant Emergency Ascent. This make me swallowed most of salt water. But he didn’t take the effort to make me do twice. He push me down again and let me do it to make my buoyancy positive where I have to blow air in the BCD. I could not use auto.. >.< sad case. By that I passed. Haha…

At night time, when I return, he say return tomorrow morning. And we invited him over to our place to hang out and drink some wines. Rey brought a friend along. Then all of us, minum kuat kuat. :P I’m happy that the alcohol drink I bought makes my sifu real happy as he love coffee. Wondering what alcohol with coffee?? Is only 1… Sheridan’s. And that make me “wee wang wang”.. but it was fun after a tiring day, and we end up eat and drink together at the restaurant.


3 dives and 2 cups of Sheridan’s. It was awesome!!! But end up with flu pills to avoid any of sickness. And water in my ears is not yet clear.!!