Monday, March 2, 2009


There are people who ask me, what is Christianity.

and the answer flash back to what Douglas had told us in ICU meeting. He told us that, when people do ask, u should give a life testimony not more then 20 minutes.

I could not find any resources of how to give my life testimony in 20 minutes...

I could not give an answer. What i replied is "Is a journey with God, where u have to see and look inside me."

Obviously, it won't works. As in people won't seeing or observe your life for so long. But still, i remain with silent. Hoping that, people will see Christ in me, N I'm in Christ.

To make it short, God has made known to me, be sure that, I should BE IMITATORS OF GOD, from last years onwards. Thanks to the PHOS Youth camp. U guys Rock's!!